Author Topic: Kahanamoku Klassic Oli, after women's and before men's race  (Read 7619 times)

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There was another chant that was recited, after the women's race and before the men's race.  This chant too was recited on the first race "Ho`opuka-O-Hakikili" was raced for Crystal Pier.  The chant and be found in the book "Mo`olelo Hawaii", "Hawaiian Antiquities", written by David Malo. 

O Ku-wa o ka lani, o Ku-wa o ka honua,
O Ku-wa o ka mauna, o Ku-wa o ka moana,
O Ku-wa o ka po, o Ku-wa o ke ao,
O Malualani ke Ku-wa, o Malua-hopu ke Ku-waf
Aia no ia ko'i la ke Ku-wa.
Ka wa'a nei o ka luahine niakua.
Ka luahine! Owai?
O ka luahine o Papa, wahine a Wakea.
Nana i hele, nana i a'e,
Nana i hoonoanoa.
Noa ke kuwa16 o ka wa'a o Wakea. 26. 13 O ka wa'a nei o ka luahine makua.
Ka luahine! Owai?
Ka luahine o Lea, wahine a Moku-halii.
Nana i kuwa, nana i hainu,
Nana i hele, nana i a'e,
Nana i hoonoanoa.
Noa ke kuwa o ka wa'a o Mokuhalii.
Hinu helelei akn,
Hinu helelei mai.
He tniki oe Kane,
Pic miki oe Kanaloa.
0 Kanaloa hea oe?
0 Kanaloa inu awa.
Mai Kahiki ka awa,
Mai Upolu -ka awa,
Mai Wawau ka awa.
E hano awa hua,
E hano awa panaka.
Halapa i ke akua i laau wai la.
Amama, ua noa.
Lele wale aku la.

Uplifter of the heavens, uplifter of the earth,
Uplifter of the mountains, uplifter of the ocean,
Who hast appointed the night, appointed the clay,
Malualani is the Kuwa and Maluahopu,
That ax also is a kuwa.
This is the ax of our venerahle ancestral dame.
Venerable dame! What dame?
Dame Papa, the wife of Wakea.
She set apart and consecrated, she turned the tree about,
She impelled it, she guided it,
She lifted the tabu from it.
Gone is the tabu from the canoe of Wakea.
The canoe this of our ancestral dame.
Ancestral dame! What dame?
Dame Lea, wife of Moku-halii;
She initiated, she pointed the canoe;
She started it, she guided it;
She lifted the tabu from it,
Lifted was the tabu from the canoe of Wakea.
Fat dripping here;
Fat dripping there.
Active art thou Kane;
Active art thou Kanaloa.
What Kanaloa art thou ?
Kanaloa the awa-drinker.
Awa from Tahiti,
Awa from Upolu,
Awa from Wawau.
Bottle up the frothy awa,
Bottle up the well strained awa.
Praise be to the God in the highest heaven
The tabu is lifted, removed.
It flies away.
"You will be living in the haole time, and the wise thing to do is to move with the time, because time is a thing that belongs to no one....There's only one thing I ask of you, my children - You are Hawai'i, and I would appreciate that you remain Hawaii"

