Just posting this as a refresher for everyone, including the new paddlers. Not that we grade everyone's ability to pronounce the parts in correct hawaiian. But it's a good thing to be aware of the correct names of the canoe.
paddle - hoe (ho - ay)
bow - ihu wa'a (eehu * va ah)
stern - hope wa'a (ho-pay * va ah)
nose end piece - kupe ihu (ku-pay * eehu)
rear end piece - kupe hope (ku-pay * ho-pay)
outrigger float - ama (ah-ma)
outrigger boom - 'iako (EEyah-ko)
tied end of outrigger boom to the canoe - kua 'iako (koo-ah * EEyah-ko)
seats - noho (no-ho)
front end sea spary guard - pale kai (pah-lay * ka-ee)
hull or body - kino (kee-noh)
Part of the canoe float where the outrigger boom (ʻiako) is joined - kapua'i (kah-pu-wah-EE)
Flattened end of the forward end of the outrigger float outside of the joining of the outrigger boom to the float - lupe (loo-pay)
After end of the float of a canoe - kanaka (kah-nah-kah)
Starboard ends of ʻiako (outrigger booms) - muku (moo-koo)
Canoe hold under both the foreward cover and after cover - pika'o (peeee-KAH-oh)
Mat covering for a canoe, sometimes with crew sticking their heads out through holes in the mat - pā'ū (paaaa-uuuu)