Author Topic: More Nutrition Information  (Read 11899 times)

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More Nutrition Information
« on: May 29, 2008, 03:19PM »
"You will be living in the haole time, and the wise thing to do is to move with the time, because time is a thing that belongs to no one....There's only one thing I ask of you, my children - You are Hawai'i, and I would appreciate that you remain Hawaii"


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Re: More Nutrition Information
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2008, 06:09PM »
good info, Kama.  I've tried eating meals at least three hours before the race and it really seems to work.  I know that Haile Gebrselassie (the greatest runner of all time, not the dictator) gets up to eat a breakfast at 4 AM on race days (for a 7 or 8 AM marathon start) It also seems to work (for me anyway) if I hold off on any other food until we get outside to the starting line.

maybe another secret?  Chocolate milk.

the actual study:

I knew it all along!  Seriously, you could make the argument that Michael Phelps is the best athlete in the world right now, if medals count for anything.  And the guy drinks Carnation instant breakfast between races.

Jill! Barnes

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Re: More Nutrition Information
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2008, 09:49PM »
I do the chocolate milk as a recovery drink and I'm quite happy with it. I use Ovaltine because it has some extra vitamins, so why not?

